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Get Wired! Lights, Sounds, Circuits and Games

April 13, 2024 @ 10:00 am1:00 pm

The objective of conducting an event for school children at Good life Center located at Tambaram on the occasion of IEEE Educational Week is to introduce them to the world of electronic circuits through engaging demonstrations and interactive sessions. By providing hands-on experiences, we aim to spark their interest in STEM fields, specifically electronics. Additionally, incorporating fun games into the event will further enhance their learning experience and foster a positive association with technology and innovation. Our goal is to inspire and educate the next generation of young minds in the exciting realm of electronics and technology.


April 13, 2024
10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Event Tags:
Region: N/A
Affiliated Group Name: Sri Sai Ram Engineering College,WIE


Affiliated Group Name
Sri Sai Ram Engineering College,WIE