IEEE Educational Events



Next Wave Nanotech

Next Wave Nanotech 150 150 ieeeeduweek

Celebrar el impresionante trabajo de los investigadores universitarios de la Universidad San Francisco de Quito, cuyos proyectos serán destacados. 

Get Wired! Lights, Sounds, Circuits and Games

Get Wired! Lights, Sounds, Circuits and Games 150 150 ieeeeduweek

The objective of conducting an event for school children at Good life Center located at Tambaram on the occasion of IEEE Educational Week is to introduce them to the world of electronic circuits through engaging demonstrations and interactive sessions. By providing hands-on experiences, we aim to spark their interest in STEM fields, specifically electronics. Additionally, incorporating fun games into the event will further enhance their learning experience and foster a positive association with technology and innovation. Our goal is to inspire and educate the next generation of young minds in the exciting realm of electronics and technology.

Unleash Your Potential: AI-driven Productivity & Workflow Strategies

Unleash Your Potential: AI-driven Productivity & Workflow Strategies 150 150 ieeeeduweek


Real-world examples of examples and demos in using AI-assisted tools are introduced to increase your productivity. 

These tools include actual use of these AI-assisted tools during education week to promote events like Digital Privacy, AI Design Automation, AI Supply Chain Management, and AI-assisted Tutoring as well as for increasing awareness of these events, resulting in significant savings in time and money.  Specifically, some of the features to be demonstrated are:

  • Use of ChatGPT for Idea Generation:  Sample prompts to generate ideas for generating AI images for the above events.
    • Text-to-Speech
  • Text-to-Image AI generation:  Example prompts using image generation tools such as Midjourney and Fotor. If time permits a free design tool using Canva that was used to create a sample newletter
    • These include developing consistent characters for creating stories for k-12 in explaining why STEM fields are meaningful careers.
      • Especially, engineering where it is a challenging program but a rewarding discipline.
      • Offering many career paths not necessarily in engineering: such as legal, medical, and entrepreneurial career paths.
    • AI-powered design assistance such as Canva (if time permits, may just describe its AI features)
    • Edited features such as mass background removal for a bulk of images.
    • With Midjourney, you can collaborate or gather ideas from other users.
  • An introduction to text-to-video AI generation:   A demo example of using video creation and AI assisted software to generate videos resulting in reduced production time and cost using automation in the video creation process (if not enough time and if there is interest then future a presentation on this exciting topic are planned
    • Easily create professional-looking videos without technical expertise
    • Voiceover and Text-to-Speech in adding your narration in multiple languages for a personal touch to the videos
    • Access to vast library of stock images, videos, and music to enhance videos

Overall, the AI-assisted tools are designed to empower users to create visually appealing and engaging multi-media content with ease. Whether users are working on personal projects or collaborating with a team, you can use various platforms and achieve professional results. By leveraging AI technology, customizable templates, collaboration tools, an image library, and a user-friendly interface, users can unleash their creativity and bring their design visions to life effectively.  This presentation is only a glimpse of what AI can do.

This flyer will be updated providing links to help you come up with your own creative ideas that will be given below.  I will try to post most of the ideas at the IEEE Pikes Peak Section website at:

Artificial Intelligence for Increased Productivity

Master the Perfect ChatGPT Prompt Formula (in just 8 minutes)!

Strategies for GATE Success: A Roadmap to Your Dream Career and Job

Strategies for GATE Success: A Roadmap to Your Dream Career and Job 150 150 ieeeeduweek

Career Paths Panel Discussion for Students: Industry vs Advanced degrees

Career Paths Panel Discussion for Students: Industry vs Advanced degrees 150 150 ieeeeduweek

Lehigh Valley Women in Engineering and Computer Society are hosting a virtual panel discussion targeted at students. The members of the panel will share their career perspectives and advice on whether to enter industry after graduation, or whether to pursue an advanced degree. 

There will be ample time for students to ask questions of the panelists, and to share their own career plans and concerns.

Our amazing panelists are:

Bonnie Weir, PhD: Master Engineer, Broadcom, Inc

Jennifer Winikus, PhD: Teaching Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Lehigh University

Danielle Pritz: Owner of Keystone Product Validation, LLC

Lifang He, PhD: Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, Lehigh University.



Virtual Session Link:

Meeting ID: 972 6588 4264

Passcode: 239941


All are welcome. You must register below, but you do not have to be an IEEE member to attend.


Impressive Women in Companies

Impressive Women in Companies 150 150 ieeeeduweek


IEEE Membership Drive at BVRIT HYDERABAD SB 150 150 ieeeeduweek

IEEE BVRITH SB organizing Membership drive for students on December 21, 2023, at Sapphire Block from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Inauguration of IEEE Computer Society and IEEE Women in Engineering Student Branch Chapter

Inauguration of IEEE Computer Society and IEEE Women in Engineering Student Branch Chapter 1000 1414 ieeeeduweek

Professional body commitee of Vemana Institute of Technology is inaugurating two student branch chapters namely IEEE Computer Society student Branch Chapter and IEEE Women in Engineering Student Branch on May 31st,2023 at 10.30 A.M by the Chief guests Dr.D.N.Sujatha,Vice-Chair,ComSoc,Execom Member,Computer Society,IEEE Bangalore Section ,Dr.Vijayalakshmi M,Chair Elect,IEEE WIE Bangalore Section, Dr.Ashwini Appaji M,IEEE WIE,Vice-Chair,Bangalore Section. The event will be followed by technical talk by the chief guets.