IEEE CIS/GRSS Hyderabad chapter in collaboration with department of AI-ML,VBIT,Hyderabad is organizing a Two day workshop on Feature selection methods in remote sensing imagery
IEEE Education Week highlights educational programs and resources for students, educators, and technical professionals on their journey of lifelong learning, IEEE Education Week is a weeklong celebration of educational opportunities provided by the world’s largest technical professional association and its many organizational units, societies and councils from around the world.
IEEE offers continuing professional education resources for engineers and technical professionals all over the globe.
Day 1
Date:- 04/04/2023 Time:- 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Expert Name:- Dr. Akhilesh Sharma,
Designation:- HOD, Data Science Manipal University, Jaipur
Day 2
Title:-Learn java language
Date:-05/04/2023Time:- 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Expert Name:- Ms. Ashwinee Gadwal
Day 3
Title:- Quantum computing
Date:- 06/04/2023Time:- 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Expert Name:- Mr. Jayesh Parashar
Designation:- Delivery Manager and Senior Architecture DXC
Day 4
Title:- Introduction to Machine Learning
Date:- 07/04/2023Time:- 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Expert Name:- Mrs. Ankita Thakur
Day 5
Title:- Benefits of IEEE student
Date :- 08/04/2023
Expert Name:- Mr. Shubham Gupta
Designation:- SAC Chair, IEEE MP Section
Title :- Recent trends and tools for data analytics
Date:- 08/04/2023Time:- 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Expert Name:- Dr. Sanjay Dubey
337 E Wackerly St, Midland, MI 48642
Are you curious about what you should and shouldn’t do when starting your first business?
On 23 July 2022 (Saturday), the Founder of the Farbeat Technology Sdn. Bhd. – Ts. Nurfarhana Nasrudin will be sharing her experience of what works, what doesn’t work, and what has to be improved in creating your start-up business.
This seminar is free of charge and it is open to all university students and fresh graduates in Malaysia!
So, what are you waiting for? Scan the QR code and register for it! We believe you can learn a lot from this seminar.
Alternative registration link:
Early registration and discounted pricing ends on May 19th.
Registration and payment for this workshop must be completed by Thursday May 19, 2022 to ensure you will have the class materials in time for the workshop.
Friday May 20, 2022 is the final day for registering.
This one-day workshop will take a deep dive into Power System Safety & Lightning Protection and the role of grounding and bonding. Seminar topics will include grounding system design principles, grounding system performance, IEEE Standard 80 design procedures, soil characterization, integrated grounding system design procedures, and ground design for lightning. This Workshop is intended for Electrical Designers, Estimators, and Field Engineers, and is highly recommended as a review supplement for those preparing to take the Electrical P.E. exam. In addition, there will be exhibits by industry manufacturers and suppliers.
Attendees are advised to bring a laptop or notebook. Power and limited WIFI will be available.
Upon completion of the workshop, participants will receive a PDH certificate for six hours.
The workshop fee includes breakfast tacos, breakfast beverages and break refreshments.
All cancellation and refund requests must be submitted in writing and received by James Mercier at the address above prior to May 20, 2022. There will be a 20% processing fee charged for all refunds. Fees paid after May 20, 2022, will be paid at the door via check payable to IEEE-CTS.
Early registration and discounted pricing ends on October 7th.
Registration and payment for this workshop must be completed by Wednesday October 12, 2022 to ensure you will have the class materials in time for the workshop.
Saturday October 22, 2022 is the final day for registering but without workshop materials.
This two-day workshop will take a deep dive into NEC 2023 National Electrical Code changes. The NEC changes will be reviewed focusing on major areas of the power distribution systems which are affected by the latest changes rather than by the typical Article by Article, Section by Section methods. Examples will be worked through as a class to understand how these NEC changes will change how power distribution systems are engineered. This Workshop is intended for Electrical Designers, Estimators, and Field Engineers, and is highly recommended as a review supplement for those preparing to take the Electrical P.E. exam. In addition, there will be exhibits by industry manufacturers and suppliers.
Attendees are advised to bring a laptop or notebook. Power and limited WIFI will be available.
Upon completion of the workshop, participants will receive a PDH certificate for sixteen hours.
The workshop fee includes breakfast tacos, breakfast beverages, break refreshments, and a spiralbound copy of the 2023 NEC. Door prizes will be offered.
Financial Skills Webinar with Guest Speakers in the areas of Property, Stocks, Crypto.
Open to all members, with preferential questions for IEEE Members.
28th October 6.30-8.30pm.