IEEE Educational Events

Inauguration of IEEE BVRIT HYDERABAD ,Sensors, Biometric , Nano and System Councils , WIE AG

Inauguration of IEEE BVRIT HYDERABAD ,Sensors, Biometric , Nano and System Councils , WIE AG 150 150 ieeeeduweek


Inauguration of BVRIT HYDERABAD IEEE Society Chapter under IEEE BVRITH Student Branch on 31st August 2023 from 10:00 AM onwards.

IEEE BVRIT HYDERABAD Student Branch Inauguration of the following Council and WIE AG 

1. Sensors Council,

2. System Council,

3. Biometric Council

4. Nano Technology Council

5. Women in Engineering Affinity Group


Chief Guest:

Dr Amit Kumar, Past Chair, IEEE Hyderabad Section and Past Chair, Sensors Council Hyderabad Chapter ,

Guest of Honour:

Dr Harivardagini S, Chair, IEEE WIE AG , Hyderabad Sectionn

Prof. Saikumar Tara, SAC Chair, IEEE Hyderabad Section.

Dr. K V N Sunitha, Principal, BVRIT HYDERABAD .