IEEE Educational Events

IEEE Education Week

IEEE Education Week 150 150 ieeeeduweek


IEEE Education Week  highlights educational programs and resources for students, educators, and technical professionals on their journey of lifelong learning, IEEE Education Week is a weeklong celebration of educational opportunities provided by the world’s largest technical professional association and its many organizational units, societies and councils from around the world.

IEEE offers continuing professional education resources for engineers and technical professionals all over the globe.


Day 1

Date:- 04/04/2023 Time:- 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM

Expert Name:- Dr. Akhilesh Sharma,

Designation:- HOD, Data Science Manipal University, Jaipur



Day 2

Title:-Learn java language

Date:-05/04/2023Time:- 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM

Expert Name:- Ms. Ashwinee Gadwal



Day 3

Title:- Quantum computing

Date:- 06/04/2023Time:- 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM

Expert Name:- Mr. Jayesh Parashar

Designation:- Delivery Manager and Senior Architecture DXC



Day 4

Title:- Introduction to Machine Learning

Date:- 07/04/2023Time:- 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM

Expert Name:- Mrs. Ankita Thakur


Day 5

Title:- Benefits of IEEE student

Date :- 08/04/2023

Expert Name:- Mr. Shubham Gupta

Designation:- SAC Chair, IEEE  MP  Section

Title :- Recent trends and tools  for data analytics

Date:- 08/04/2023Time:- 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM

Expert Name:- Dr. Sanjay Dubey


II CONFE TECH 2021 400 364 ieeeeduweek

Celebramos el 75º Aniversario del IEEE Computer Society con nuestro II CONFE TECH 2021 . Evento insignia de nuestro capitulo estudiantil. Donde se realizaron una serie de seminarios web con destacados ponentes que nos compartirán sus conocimientos y experiencias acerca de los diferentes temas en tecnologías que actualmente son tendencia para la competitividad global.

¡Además de esto, habrán premios sorpresa, actividades lúdicas y Networking!

Así que, date prisa, registrate, agenda las fechas y mantente atento a nuestras redes sociales para saber más de lo que se viene.

Inscríbete aquí.