”The only limit to our realisation of tomorrow will be our doubt of today”-Roosevelt ✨
Excited to unveil your innovative ideas and project concepts? 🎓Look no further! On behalf of Department of Computer Science and Engineering College & lEEE Information Theory Society (ITS) SEC Student Branch Chapter proudly presents ‘Shark Tank,’ a one-day business pitching event meticulously designed to provide you with the perfect stage to present and pitch your creations.🎨
With students participating from around the globe, Shark Tank is your chance to showcase your talents and make your mark in the world of innovation.🪄
📅 Date: April 16,2024
🕒 Time: 9am-4pm
🖥️ Mode: Hybrid
🔗 Registration link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScSlAT0f8FXHx9T9cj1EyD7iSy3fq9WcXd0EfpVoXGtqOl8Bw/viewform?usp=sharing
• Maximum two members per team
• Students from any academic year and department can participate.
• No prerequisites needed
✨Certificates will be provided to all the participants and Winners are rewarded with Cash prizes !!!✨💰
Join us and let your creativity and ingenuity shine. 📚Size the opportunity to drive your projects towards business objectives! 📈