IEEE Educational Events


EN’JUNIOR 1.0 150 150 ieeeeduweek

To stimulate the interest of young and pre-university students in general engineering related topics and specifically those which use integrated circuits, the IEEE SSCS Tunisia Chapter co-organized the first version of the event EN’JUNIOR.

It is mainly the organization of a visit and a guided tour to the National Engineering School of Sfax (ENIS), Tunisia, on Saturday May 14th, 2022.

This visit can be a unique opportunity for these young students to discover what’s behind the new technologies, in particular those related to applications which are well known. These include Robots, CubeSats, and IoT systems.

IEEE WNC Exhibition at 2022 Asheville Maker Faire

IEEE WNC Exhibition at 2022 Asheville Maker Faire 1191 950 ieeeeduweek

IEEE WNC Section is sponsoring an exhibition booth at the Asheville Maker Faire! Come and see all the STEAM/STEM and other projects that the Section is doing including a new Meetup group and other activities.