IEEE Educational Events

Framing a Research Problem and Proposal Writing

Framing a Research Problem and Proposal Writing 150 150 ieeeeduweek

Welcome to the enlightening and informative webinar, “Framing a Research Problem and Proposal Writing.” Research is the heartbeat of progress, innovation, and knowledge. Whether participants are a student eager to embark on their research journey, an academic looking to refine their proposal-writing skills, or a professional seeking to address real-world issues through research, this webinar is designed to equip each participants with the essential tools and knowledge they need to excel in the world of research. 

The world of research is vast and ever-evolving. This webinar begins by providing participants with a comprehensive overview of the research landscape. They will gain insights into the various research paradigms, methodologies, and the significance of grounding their work in existing literature. Understand the foundational principles that underpin successful research endeavors.

By participating in “Framing a Research Problem and Proposal Writing,” they will gain the knowledge and confidence to embark on successful research endeavors. Whether their goal is to contribute to their field, advance their academic career, or make a tangible impact on society, this webinar equips them with the essential skills to turn their research aspirations into reality.