IEEE Educational Events

R5 LMAG-CTS CTCN April 20, 2022 Meeting – Product Safety Requirements in the US

R5 LMAG-CTS CTCN April 20, 2022 Meeting – Product Safety Requirements in the US 303 404 ieeeeduweek

Product Safety Requirements in the US – Charles Goertz

To understand how the product safety requirements were developed in the United States, the history of the safety agencies will be reviewed. Next, the regulations for work place safety will be explained. This will examine the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) that formed the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The development of the National Recognized Testing Laboratories (NRTL) will be covered. The different test marks that are used in the North America will be discussed. How the National Electric Code works with the requirements of OSHA and Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) will be shown. The place of standards in the working of safety agencies will be discussed.