IEEE Educational Events

Colloquia Roberto Tempo in Automatica – Tamer Basar “Consensus and Dissensus in Multi-population Multi-agent Systems “

Colloquia Roberto Tempo in Automatica – Tamer Basar “Consensus and Dissensus in Multi-population Multi-agent Systems “ 150 150 ieeeeduweek

The Colloquia Roberto Tempo in Automatica are dedicated to the memory of our friend and colleague Roberto, who passed away suddenly in 2017 during a ski mountaineering trip in the Alps. Roberto always believed in importance of sharing and disseminating results in his community.

Roberto was an extraordinary communicator. His talks were always clear and highly inspiring. As an author of scientific contributions, he spent an incredible amount of time making sure that his papers were accurate and easily accessible.                     

The colloquia are general seminars held by renowned scientists. They range over all aspects of systems and control, and on interdisciplinary subjects where control plays a fundamental role. They aim to contribute at the cultural atmosphere of our Institute, so offering young people the opportunity to be exposed to the teaching of internationally known scholars working in different research areas.

The colloquia are organized by the Information & Systems Engineering (ISE) group of IEIIT CNR. To allow a broader audience, the seminar will be streamed online.

After a two-year stop due to pandemic, the colloquia series will restart this year with renovated energy. Moreover, starting this year, the Colloquia will be a special event in the context of the freshly instituted  IEEE CSS Day.

The third colloquium will be held on October 19 by Prof. Tamer Basar, Swanlund Endowed Chair Emeritus and CAS Professor Emeritus of ECE, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

A light buffet (aperitivo) will be offered after the Colloquium.