Proud to announce our collaboration with Elie Dina, a data scientist and NLP Engineer, in a series of sessions about Machine Learning 🤖.
Data science, a revolutionary field joining knowledge in Math 🧮, CS 💻 and Business 💰, is making great steps towards the future nowadays.
To introduce you to this field, a hands-on 🤝 webinar will be made just for you!
Going from the data science lifecycle onto different Machine Learning models💻that can help you achieve basic and complex tasks ✅.
This webinar will be divided into 4 sessions.
The first session, we will be dealing with:
–> Data Types
–> Data Acquisition
–> Databases / Data Warehouses / Data Lakes
–> Data Science Processing Lifecycle:
. Pre-processing / Cleaning 🧹
. Exploratory Data Analysis 🧠
. Visualization 📊