Please consider joining us for the Dayton Section Fall Membership Orientation at Sinclair Community College. The event is designed to be informal in order to have everyone share their experiences as IEEE members and learn how to optimize your membership benefits in the coming year.
Pizza and refreshments will be served (vTools event registration recommended) and there will be some swag to take home!
In addition, I want to thank all of you for your dedication to the Dayton Section in 2022 as we achieved a Gold Membership retention status!
Finally, we’ll be talking about student papers and how we can best showcase the tremendous talent we have in the Dayton Section to Region 2 and beyond.
Thank you again for all of your support to IEEE.
Dr. Charles Cerny
Chair, Dayton Section IEEE
The IEEE Dayton Section is hosting Student Paper Contest to prepare IEEE students for the IEEE Region 2 contest, which has a submission deadline of April 1st each year. Regional contest winners are published in the monthly IEEE magazine, as well as on the IEEE Website in November each year. Purpose: The purpose of this contest is to recognize and develop technical, written, and verbal communication skills. These skills are critical to successful careers. This peer-reviewed contest seeks to provide actionable feedback to students so they can improve their proficiency in technical communication for the professional world.