Learning the MMSE Channel Estimator

This webinar will discuss the MMSE channel estimator for a simple SIMO system model, without knowledge of the required channel statistics. Although the derived MMSE estimator is computationally intractable in the general form, its structure can be used to motivate a neural network architecture with lower complexity. The complexity reduction is based on a set of assumptions on the system model that simplify the MMSE estimator. The performance of the simplified MMSE estimator degrades significantl

This webinar will discuss the MMSE channel estimator for a simple SIMO system model, without knowledge of the required channel statistics. Although the derived MMSE estimator is computationally intractable in the general form, its structure can be used to motivate a neural network architecture with lower complexity. The complexity reduction is based on a set of assumptions on the system model that simplify the MMSE estimator. The performance of the simplified MMSE estimator degrades significantl

IEEE-Affiliated Group Name: The IEEE Signal Processing Society

URL: https://rc.signalprocessingsociety.org/education/webinars/SPSWEB2105.html