IEEE-USA Career and Professional Development Webinars

IEEE-USA's Free Webinars are designed to help you find your next job, maintain your career, negotiate an appropriate salary, understand ethical considerations in the workplace and learn about other career-building strategies and public policy developments that affect your profession. U.S. IEEE members who have participated in an IEEE-USA Webinar are eligible to apply for professional development hours (PDHs) from IEEE’s Educational Activities Department.

IEEE-USA’s Free Webinars are designed to help you find your next job, maintain your career, negotiate an appropriate salary, understand ethical considerations in the workplace and learn about other career-building strategies and public policy developments that affect your profession. U.S. IEEE members who have participated in an IEEE-USA Webinar are eligible to apply for professional development hours (PDHs) from IEEE’s Educational Activities Department.

IEEE-Affiliated Group Name: IEEE-USA