
SPS Resource Center

SPS Resource Center 1531 959 ieeeeduweek

The IEEE Signal Processing Society’s online library of webinars, tutorials, lectures, presentations and more. SPS is dedicated to promoting educational content on technical and technological innovations, and their applications, in signal processing from top researchers and thought leaders in academia and industry.

IEEE-Affiliated Group Name: IEEE Signal Processing Society


IEEE Future Networks launched a new On Demand Webinar video library

IEEE Future Networks launched a new On Demand Webinar video library 624 125 ieeeeduweek

We have launched a new On Demand Library – Available NOW! Missed any of the IEEE Future Networks knowledgeable subject matter experts’ webinars? You can now watch all of the past webinars covering topics such as the business of 5G, 5G enabling technologies and standards, 5G spectrum and regulation, and topics which cover the fundamentals for moving beyond 5G. View the entire series On Demand

IEEE-Affiliated Group Name: IEEE Future Networks


The Art of Serverless Deployment in GCP — A Machine Learning Guide

The Art of Serverless Deployment in GCP — A Machine Learning Guide 720 295 ieeeeduweek

Learn how to efficiently deploy Machine Learning models using serverless cloud run and cloud functions from Google Cloud Platform (GCP). And get to know the benefits of serverless architecture, where you pay only for what you use, scale effortlessly, and accelerate your time-to-market. Say hello to MLOps!

IEEE-Affiliated Group Name: IEEE CS LU Student Branch Chapter


IEEE Foundation Celebrates IEEE Education Week

IEEE Foundation Celebrates IEEE Education Week 900 600 ieeeeduweek

During IEEE Education Week, the IEEE Foundation pays special attention to and lavishes fanfare on the IEEE Foundation Educate Pillar and the donor-supported programs under its umbrella. To celebrate, the IEEE Foundation is shining a bright light on five individuals from around the world who benefited from five different Educate Pillar donor-supported programs and how they are paying it forward as IEEE volunteers.

IEEE-Affiliated Group Name: IEEE Foundation


Opportunities for Students and Young Professionals

Opportunities for Students and Young Professionals 150 150 ieeeeduweek

Donors to the IEEE Foundation establish and invest in IEEE programs that nourish brilliant minds, create opportunities to dream and cultivate a generation of socially responsible technology professionals. The IEEE Foundation is proud to inspire and manage charitable investment in IEEE student and young professional programs. Opportunities range from scholarships and fellowships to travel grants and project funding.

IEEE-Affiliated Group Name: IEEE Foundation


IEEE Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Volunteer Toolkit

IEEE Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Volunteer Toolkit 1144 676 ieeeeduweek

The toolkit is designed to support IEEE volunteers in their efforts to manage organizational unit (OU) initiatives toward advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), as well as embed DEI into ongoing IEEE activities. Initiatives and activities may impact members, those involved in OU activities, technical professionals, and/or the general public served through IEEE’s mission.

IEEE-Affiliated Group Name: IEEE Diversity & Inclusion Committee


Life Members Graduate Study Fellowship in Electrical Engineering

Life Members Graduate Study Fellowship in Electrical Engineering 2560 1709 ieeeeduweek

The fellowship is awarded annually to a full-time, first-year graduate student pursuing a Master’s degree program (or a doctoral degree program if it is the first graduate degree for the student) for work in the area of electrical engineering at an engineering school/program of recognized standing worldwide.

IEEE-Affiliated Group Name: IEEE Educational Activities


Host a Student Ethics Competition

Host a Student Ethics Competition

Host a Student Ethics Competition 2560 1707 ieeeeduweek

Looking for an activity for IEEE Student Members? The IEEE Ethics & Member Conduct Committee (EMCC) sponsors the Student Ethics Competition program to foster familiarity with the IEEE Code of Ethics and encourage the study and awareness of professional ethics. Up to 10 competitions are supported each year. For more information, view our webpage or contact

IEEE-Affiliated Group Name: Corporate Activities


IEEE Transmitter

IEEE Transmitter: On the Frontiers of Technology, a Wide Range of Career Paths

IEEE Transmitter: On the Frontiers of Technology, a Wide Range of Career Paths 386 118 ieeeeduweek

This IEEE Transmitter article features IEEE members from different backgrounds highlighting the resources IEEE has that can help young professionals to life members throughout their careers.

IEEE-Affiliated Group Name: Corporate Comm & Brand Marketing