Region 2 (Eastern US)

Fundamentals of IEEE 1547-2018 Standard

Fundamentals of IEEE 1547-2018 Standard 150 150 ieeeeduweek

This video series, with 6+ hours of content, highlights the new features and capabilities outlined in the standard IEEE 1547-2018, all about interconnection and interoperability of Distributed Energy Resources (DER). You’ll learn all about DER and their impact on the electrical grid, discuss transmission level integration, certification, commissioning, voltage regulation, power quality, and more.

IEEE-Affiliated Group Name: IEEE Standards Association


Introduction to the 2023 National Electrical Safety Code

Introduction to the 2023 National Electrical Safety Code 150 150 ieeeeduweek

This course series aims to educate power utility professionals on the rules, regulations, and changes in the 2023 edition of the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC). Presented by industry leaders who helped write the standard, this course program takes an in-depth look at the NESC and covers the Code in its entirety. Topics discussed include: NESC Overview; 2023 Updates and Changes; Supply Station Safety; Grounding; Overhead Requirements; and Underground Requirements.

IEEE-Affiliated Group Name: IEEE Standards Association


Women in Engineering – Book 24: New Experiences

Women in Engineering – Book 24: New Experiences 400 500 ieeeeduweek

In this final e-book of IEEE-USA’s Women in Engineering series, author Shelly Born explores why she chose to study Engineering; how she became an engineer; and how she overcame adversity along the pathways of both her career and personal life’s journeys. Coming from a strong family foundation, possessing a strong faith in God, and personal strength and courage propelled her ever forward..

IEEE-Affiliated Group Name: Women in Engineering


Charles LeGeyt Fortescue Scholarship

Charles LeGeyt Fortescue Scholarship 500 334 ieeeeduweek

This Charles LeGeyt Fortescue Scholarship is awarded annually for one year of full-time graduate work in electrical engineering at an engineering school of recognized standing located in the USA.

IEEE-Affiliated Group Name: Educational Activities


USPTO Resources (IEEE-USA Free Webinar)

USPTO Resources (IEEE-USA Free Webinar) 600 600 ieeeeduweek

The USPTO has a wealth of resources for individuals interested in learning more about protecting their intellectual property and who need assistance doing so. Learn about these various resources, many of which are free, and put them to work for you as you begin or continue down your path of innovation.

IEEE-Affiliated Group Name: IEEE-USA


Education Newsletter from IEEE Educational Activities

Education Newsletter from IEEE Educational Activities 2560 1707 ieeeeduweek

Stay up to date on the latest educational offerings from IEEE Educational Activities, including webinars, courses, and more, by signing up for Educational Activities newsletter. You can also opt-in for additional information about our Continuing Professional Education and Student & Academic offerings.

IEEE-Affiliated Group Name: Educational Activities


Social Media Power Hour: Amp Up Your Social Skills in 60 Minutes

Social Media Power Hour: Amp Up Your Social Skills in 60 Minutes 600 600 ieeeeduweek

Social media is a powerful tool if used well, but can be ineffective or even detrimental if used poorly. This webinar will provide a broad overview of how to effectively use social media for greater impact. In this tutorial, you’ll learn: – The elements of a good social media post, – How to effectively use images and video – How to vary tactics between social media platforms – How to drive engagement

IEEE-Affiliated Group Name: IEEE-USA


IEEE Teaching Excellence Hub

IEEE Teaching Excellence Hub 800 271 ieeeeduweek

The IEEE Teaching Excellence Hub is a website from the IEEE Education Society and the IEEE Educational Activities Board that provides articles and links to events and resources for those teaching engineering, computing, and technology at the university level. The content on this website is written and curated by academic experts from around the world.

IEEE-Affiliated Group Name: EA


IEEE-USA Career and Professional Development Webinars

IEEE-USA Career and Professional Development Webinars 250 250 ieeeeduweek

IEEE-USA’s Free Webinars are designed to help you find your next job, maintain your career, negotiate an appropriate salary, understand ethical considerations in the workplace and learn about other career-building strategies and public policy developments that affect your profession. U.S. IEEE members who have participated in an IEEE-USA Webinar are eligible to apply for professional development hours (PDHs) from IEEE’s Educational Activities Department.

IEEE-Affiliated Group Name: IEEE-USA