Women in Engineering

IEEE WIE Manga Stories – Fueling Girls’ Passion in STEM

IEEE WIE Manga Stories – Fueling Girls’ Passion in STEM 1080 1080 ieeeeduweek

IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) has released new girls in STEM resources that are available for download at no charge. Supported by the IEEE Japan Council and by IEEE New Initiative Committee, the Manga stories are part of an endeavor to bridge prevailing gender disparity and foster gender diversity. These captivating manga adaptations are poised to resonate as a compelling instrument for igniting the imaginative faculties of global youth. The Manga Comics are hand-drawn.

IEEE-Affiliated Group Name: Women in Engineering

URL: https://wie.ieee.org/publications/manga-story-contest/

Women in Engineering – Book 24: New Experiences

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In this final e-book of IEEE-USA’s Women in Engineering series, author Shelly Born explores why she chose to study Engineering; how she became an engineer; and how she overcame adversity along the pathways of both her career and personal life’s journeys. Coming from a strong family foundation, possessing a strong faith in God, and personal strength and courage propelled her ever forward..

IEEE-Affiliated Group Name: Women in Engineering

URL: https://ieeeusa.org/product/women-in-engineering-book-24-new-experiences/