IEEE Houston Section

IEEE Houston Section Continuing Education on Demand (CED)

IEEE Houston Section Continuing Education on Demand (CED) 150 150 ieeeeduweek

The purpose of IEEE Houston Section Continuing Education on Demand is to provide modern practical industrial power application topics that supplement the daily work activities of the practicing graduate electrical engineer. The seminars are intended to stimulate further study and discussion for learning continuance throughout the working career. Instructors are application engineers, manufacturing specialists, and expert consultants who provide a blend of diverse engineering perspectives.

IEEE-Affiliated Group Name: IEEE Houston Section


Teachers In­-Service Program (TISP) Workshop

Teachers In­-Service Program (TISP) Workshop 712 897 ieeeeduweek

IEEE Houston Section Student Activities Committee would like to invite the Houston area educators (K–12) to take part in our Teachers In­Service Program (TISP) workshop. Our Goal is to partner with the different school districts in the greater Houston area to set up their own In­Service workshops to utilize this valuable resource offered by IEEE. Our Mission is to provide pre­university Teacher In­Service Programs, and general support to help improve interest and encourage careers in STEM

IEEE-Affiliated Group Name: IEEE Houston Section