Events for April 25, 2024

Discover live virtual and in-person events offered by IEEE groups around the world.

The Rise of Quantum Computing: Beyond Bits and Bytes

The world of computing is on the verge of a significant transformation with the emergence of quantum computing. Unlike our current computers that rely on bits (0s and 1s), quantum computers harness the principles of quantum mechanics to perform calculations in ways unimaginable with classical machines. This seminar will delve into the fascinating world of quantum computing, exploring: The ...

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Unleash Your Potential: AI-driven Productivity & Workflow Strategies

  Real-world examples of examples and demos in using AI-assisted tools are introduced to increase your productivity.  These tools include actual use of these AI-assisted tools during education week to promote events like Digital Privacy, AI Design Automation, AI Supply Chain Management, and AI-assisted Tutoring as well as for increasing awareness of these events, resulting in ...

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