Short Course

Discover live virtual and in-person events offered by IEEE groups around the world.

Digital Signal Processing for Wireless Communications (DSP)

Attendees will build a stronger intuitive understanding of the fundamental signal processing concepts involved with digital filtering and mixed signal analog and digital design. With this, attendees will be able to implement more creative and efficient signal processing architectures in both the analog and digital domains. The knowledge gained from this course will have immediate practical value ...

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A two day hands-on snap circuit electronics workshop for 8-12 year pre-u students. The students will be introduced to the importance of electronics and electronic components in various modern technologies with examples. They will have various hands-on projects to work on using snap circuits...

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Introducción a la Programación en Python

El objetivo es introducir a los alumnos al mundo de la programación. El curso consta de 3 clases teórico-prácticas, acompañadas de vídeos y ejercicios. Al inicio del curso tendrán acceso a un servidor de Discord, para poder volcar todas sus dudas e interactuar con profesores y compañeros. A su vez, realizaremos clases de consulta en vivo a través de Youtube. para completar el curso y ...

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IEEE Women in Engineering Project-Based Learning School Camp

With the successful closure of 1st Edition which was based on "Website Development without Coding" for Grade 8th - 12th across the Globe virtually in April 2021 and 2nd Edition in November 2021 on the theme: "Share2Care using Project-Based Learning". We are now fully set to proceed for 3rd Edition on Theme "Sustainable Technology for Humanity". This time in consideration to COVID19 Situation, we ...

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Basic Electronics, Learn By Experimentation

Hands-on experience by the students on using basic electronic components like resistor, switch, buzzer, wires, breadboard, and DC battery source. Using the color code of the resistors the students were asked to figure the values of the resistances which were further verified using the digital multimeters. The students were also asked to solder small connections under the supervision of IEEE ...

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State Machines and Timed State Machines in VHDL: FPGA Implementation of RS232, SPI and I2C Serial Communication Protocols

In this course, we first provide information about state machines, and then teach the implementation of state machines in VHDL language. We use VIVADO platform for development, simulation and FPGA programming purposes. For practical applications, we implement serial communication protocols such as RS232, SPI, I2C in VHDL. We consider the VHDL implementation of SPI protocol for AD7303 device, and ...

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GitHub GateWay

On April 10th, as part of the IEEE education week, the M.Tech CSE department organized a practical GitHub Workshop for its 2nd-year students. Led by 3rd-year students Kamalesh, Guru, Muthu, and Ruthi, the workshop aimed to equip students with foundational Git knowledge, emphasizing the importance of version control in software development. The workshop began with an introduction to Git and GitHub...

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IEEE CAS Tour de France

The IEEE Circuits and Systems (CAS) France chapter is organizing a "Tour de France" of Circuits and Systems in 2024. The Tour offers a unique opportunity to discover the latest microelectronics innovations and understand their crucial importance for the sovereignty of French and European industries. These events are designed to inspire students to get involved in electronics research and join ...

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Workshop de Proyectos Finales TEMS

Presentación del desarrollo, resultados y conclusiones de los proyectos finales ejecutados por los miembros estudiantiles de IEEE TEMS Uninorte en el periodo 2023-30...

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