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A Webinar on “Automatic Conversation of Indian Sign Language and Emotion Recognition Using Speech”
September 26, 2022 @ 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
A Webinar on “Automatic Conversation of Indian Sign Language and Emotion Recognition Using Speech” Under SAC in association LMAG on 26th Sept 2022
Communication is vital in our day-to-day lives. It is the basis for all human interactions. It is how people pass on information to other people and receive information from them. A person with a speaking or hearing problem cannot communicate properly with others. A person who is deaf or dumb usually uses Sign Language to communicate with others. But normal people who do not know Sign language cannot communicate with them properly. Most people find it difficult to apprehend ISL gestures. This has created a communication gap between the hearing and speech impaired and those who do not understand ISL. Translation systems are required to help bridge the gap between the hearing- and speech-impaired community and the general population. The Talk focuses on developing an end-to-end system that is capable of recognizing the spoken language and interpreting the corresponding speech to animated sign language gestures and that is also capable of converting Indian Sign Language to speech. The talk also focuses on automatic extraction of emotions since emotions play a crucial role in human-to-human and human-to-machine interactions and that is important for both fair and good decisions.
BioData: Dr. K. Anitha Sheela, Professor of ECE Department, JNTUH College of Engineering, JNTUH, Hyderabad, has obtained her B. Tech
(Electronics and Communication Engineering) from R.E.C Warangal and M.Tech from College of Engineering, Osmania University, and Ph.D. from
JNT University. She has served as Head of ECE, and BOS Chairperson,ECE, JNTUH College of Engineering (Autonomous) and also has served as
Coordinator, Exam branch, JNTUH, Additional Controller of Exams,Officer I/C exams, JNTUHCEH, Coordinator, Industry Institute Interaction
Cell, Co-Coordinator for TEQIP-III( A World Bank funding Project) and Coordinator, Academic Audit Cell, JNTUH Hyderabad. She has filed two
Patents in the fields of Battery Management System and Speech enabled Interactive Voice system . She has guided 09 Research Scholars, around 150 M. Tech projects and around 60 B. Tech project batches and few more are under progress. She published more than 100 articles in Journals and Conferences and also, she has published 2 books on Probability and Stochastic Process and few more e-books published by Springer. She is
involved in research projects funded by ISRO, UGC, Texas Instruments, AICTE, TEQIP in the fields of ASR(Automatic Speech Recognition), Automatic Emotion recognition(Speech & video), IVSR for a worth of Rs. 90 Lakhs. She is involved in Curriculum Development activities for various Universities and Autonomous Colleges in India.
Feel free to contact ua
Saikumar Tara
IEEE Hyderabad Section.
K M M Rao,
LMAG Chair,
IEEE Hyderabad Section.