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A 5-day 4-credit Summer Course at Aalto University on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics of Power Assets by Dr. Murtaza Hashmi
August 19, 2024 @ 9:00 am – August 23, 2024 @ 5:00 pm
The IEEE Finland Section and IEEE Finland joint chapter IE13/PE31/IA34/PEL35, together with Aalto University, is offering an intensive 5-day 4-credit course on the Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics of Power Assets taught by Dr Murtaza Hashmi, a recognized Condition Monitoring Expert at Power Systems. The assessment of the course will be based on attendance, active participation in the discussions, and performance in Group Work and homework activities. It is worth mentioning that the course is free for our IEEE Members. Please note that this is an in-person course, and we only have a few places available. Participants are responsible for organizing and paying their own travel costs, accommodation, and food.
Please find the additional information as follows.
Course General Information:
This course will address state-of-the-art condition monitoring techniques used for different assets in electrical power systems. A brief overview of condition monitoring and diagnostics, associated monitoring parameters, and tools for analysis will be discussed. Special focus will be given on understanding advanced diagnostics technique of Partial Discharge (PD), its types and characteristic, detection principles and methods, analysis criteria and standards, PD signals propagation and attenuation, and calibration technique. The advanced condition monitoring and diagnostics techniques will be described for transformers, switchgears, power cables, and other electrical equipment installed in the substation including the details of pilot projects, case studies and real-time measurements. An overview of smart sensing infrastructure, its application for digital transformation, and digital substations will be carried out which build the basis of Industry 4.0 for advanced condition monitoring, diagnostics, and predictive maintenance applications in power systems.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Explain the meaning of condition monitoring & diagnostics and its applications
- Explain PD monitoring techniques and standards, limits and advantages and disadvantages of online and offline PD monitoring, associated sensors, PD data analysis and interpretation for the condition assessment of electrical equipment.
- Explain different advanced condition monitoring & diagnostics systems for transformers, switchgears, power cables, and other electrical equipment installed in the substation.
- Develop condition monitoring plan to install advanced systems for the diagnostics and predictive maintenance of electrical power assets
- Explain elements of smart sensing infrastructure and develop strategy to implement it in power systems under Industry 4.0 initiative
Learning Resources:
A set of course presentation slides, and supporting materials based on publications, white papers, case studies, and technology brochures will be available.
Learning and Teaching Activities:
This course relies on lectures and interactive discussions as the primary delivery mechanism. A Group Work will be assigned to the students in the classroom to reinforce the theoretical concepts encountered in lectures and deliver brief presentation by each Group. In addition, a Home Work will be assigned to the students in the form of writing an essay to summaries the details of advanced condition monitoring systems for power assets to gauge their progress and understanding.
The assessment of the course will be based on attendance, active participation in the discussions, and performance in Group Work and homework activities.
The working language of the course is English.